Life or Death

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Life or Death



4″ x 6″

63 Pages

Written by: Rabbi Tanchum S. Burton LSW, CDLTEA, MH

Bubby is in the hospital being fed intravenously. The doctors insist that we stop feeding her since there is “no hope”, she has no “quality of life”, and resources are being “wasted” on her. Are they right? What should we do?

This is only one example of actual cases that are happening more and more often around the world. Often basing themselves on “quality of life” (and the desire to save hospitals money), many in the medical establishment and society as a whole are pushing families to terminate treatment of their ailing loves ones. Confused, alone, and well-intentioned, many Jewish families do not feel they have the clarity or knowledge to stand up to the pressure.

Life or Death is a much-needed response to society’s changing values. In this short, easy to read, yet powerful volume, readers will gain clarity and focus on the Torah’s views about end-of-life issues – and gain motivation and direction about what each of us can and should do to save life.

About the Author

Rabbi Tanchum Shlomo Burton studied at R.I.E.T.S. under Rabbi Yehuda Parnes shlit”a and Rabbi Gershon Yankelewitz zt”l. He later learned under Rabbi Dovid Miller at the Gruss Kollel in Jerusalem, where he received semicha. Rabbi Burton completed his graduate studies at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work, earning an MSW in clinical social work. He then trained for several years at the Viktor Frankl Institute under Dr. Teria Shantall, a close student of Dr. Viktor Frankl, and received a Clinical Diplomate in Logotherapy. He has worked in clinical, educational, and chaplaincy settings for over two decades, and has been a presenter at mental health conferences and training workshops internationally. In addition, he has written Torah curriculum on many subjects that is used by Orthodox Rabbis around world. Rabbi Burton is a regular lecturer at the PATH Institute in Jerusalem, where he maintains a private practice.

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Life or Death

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